Friday, February 21, 2014

North America's Environmental Setting

(Link by David Lynch)
Los Angeles sits on the Pacific plate which collides with the North American Plate. These two tectonic plates create the San Andreas Fault which causes most of the earthquakes in Los Angeles. The fault is a transform plate boundary where the two tectonic plates slide past each other. Also the Salton Sea was accidentally created by irrigation from the Colorado River. The Salton Sink, a dry lake basin, needed water for farming but with heavy rain the Colorado River flooded and all the water was irrigated to the Salton Sink creating the largest lake in California (source). Because Los Angeles is on the west coast, there is a maritime influence on the city. This creates lower highs and higher lows. There is less change in the temperature range throughout the year compared the the continental climate. The body of water cools the air creating the maritime climate. Any place that is near a large body of water has a less temperature change.

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