The Atlantic Periphery includes the north-eastern part of United States up to parts of Canada. The soil is very thin and rocky, there are many lakes and ponds, and is highly eroded because of the effects of glaciation. The harbor cities were booming centers for periphery. The harbor cities were very populated because of the fishing, and trading routes that was easily accessible with Europe. Although Los Angeles is not a harbor city, the city still grew because of the climate and land. There was a lot of flat land and combined with sunny weather and irrigation from rivers, it was an ideal place to grow agriculture. If Los Angeles was a harbor city it would have been even larger today. The Atlantic Periphery mostly relied on its fishing commerce to establish their economy because their soil did not support much vegetation. On the opposite side, Los Angeles relied on its agriculture because it was not a harbor city. San Francisco is an example of a harbor city in California which is a major city still today. Although San Francisco was a harbor city, Los Angeles gained a larger popularity later on because of the movie industry, specifically Hollywood. The Atlantic Periphery was very successful in founding new harbor cities because of the accessibility of trade and the availability of natural resources.
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